Epilogue dual-string barrier evaluation | SLB


Dual-string barrier evaluation

Epilogue Isolation dual-string barrier evaluation
Evaluating Well Integrity
There’s a more efficient way to assess well integrity, no matter your project.

Simultaneously evaluate the A- and B-annulus to reduce P&A costs

During the plug and abandonment (P&A) well decommissioning phase, conventional barrier evaluation operations require removal of inner pipe (casing or tubing) to evaluate the B-annulus and assess well integrity. This traditional approach to barrier or cement evaluation may take several days per well, depending on the operational complexity—increasing rig time and costs. With Epilogue™ dual-string barrier evaluation, you no longer have to remove the inner pipe, enabling you to evaluate both the A- and B-annulus in a single run. This approach completely revolutionizes conventional operations to reduce P&A rig days, costs, and overall carbon footprint. And when performing rigless well integrity evaluation logging, you can use the evaluation insights in the P&A job design stage to optimize future opex and minimize contingencies.

Epilogue dual-string evaluation logging A- and B-annulus barrier without removing the inner pipe.
Epilogue dual-string evaluation logging A- and B-annulus barrier without removing the inner pipe.
: Epilogue evaluation accurately represents same well with inner pipe (right) and without (left).
Logs derived from the same well, with (right) and without (left) the inner pipe removed, showing high data quality using Epilogue Isolation dual-string barrier evaluation.
: Epilogue evaluation accurately represents same well with inner pipe (right) and without (left).

Obtain reliable B-annulus data using deep-array multimode sonic and multimodality ultrasonic measurements

Building on years of innovative well integrity evaluation technology, Epilogue dual-string barrier evaluation offers the most advanced and accurate method for imaging the annular profile in the B-annulus, overcoming crucial well conditions that may affect B-annulus interpretation.

Epilogue dual-string barrier evaluation leverages a unique combination of wireline-conveyed, deep-array multimode sonic (0.5–20 kHz) and multimodality ultrasonic (100–500 kHz) measurements. The low-frequency sonic measurement provides the B-annulus evaluation. Unlike conventional tools that provide only monopole sonic measurement, multimodality ultrasonic measurement from Epilogue dual-string barrier evaluation provides crucial information such as pipe-to-pipe standoff and A-annulus liquid type. The combination of multimode sonic and multimodality ultrasonic measurements provides a more reliable B-annulus evaluation with radial coverage and azimuthal mapping that applies environmental corrections.

Unique B-annulus deliverables for advanced well integrity evaluation

With the richness of deep-array multimode sonic and multimodality ultrasonic measurements, Epilogue dual-string barrier evaluation delivers output levels that suit your well objectives and operational requirements. The B-annulus bond index view (Level 1) enables you to evaluate the top of cement or solids and the intervals of poor or moderate bonded sections. To better determine barrier quality, Level 2 uses ultrasonic measurement to apply environmental corrections (minimum recommended level). The segmented bond log derived independently from the eight azimuthal receivers and monopole transmitter provides the bond quality around the casing (Level 3). The most advanced deliverable (Level 4) provides 360° high-resolution images to evaluate the B-annulus.

Table of the four levels of Epilogue dual-string barrier evaluation for B-annulus deliverables.
B-annulus deliverables, Levels 1–4.
Table of the four levels of Epilogue dual-string barrier evaluation for B-annulus deliverables.
Deliverables from deep-array multimode sonic and multimodality ultrasonic corrected measurements.
Epilogue dual-string barrier evaluation deliverables from both deep-array multimode sonic and multimodality ultrasonic measurements, corrected for wellbore environment effects of pipe-to-pipe standoff and varying liquid density in the A-annulus.
Rigless approach improves efficiency for P&A project in deepwater Gulf of Mexico

Rigless Approach Improves Efficiency for P&A Project in Deepwater Gulf of Mexico

New technology enables bond quality evaluation without casing removal.

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Cover of Technical Paper "Acoustic Evaluation of Annulus B Barriers Through Tubing for Plug and Abandonment Job Planning"

OTC Tech Paper—Acoustic Evaluation of Annulus B Barriers Through Tubing for Plug and Abandonment Job Planning

The need to evaluate cement behind multiple casing strings has become critical for well P&A or slot recovery. This technical paper discusses how P&A operations can be optimized in offshore applications using Epilogue dual-string barrier evaluation technology to reduce the costs associated with rig time and potentially the unnecessary removal of casing strings.

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