Process Facilities Engineer on Delfi

From networks to process facilities to flares all in one place

 DELFI Cognitive E&P Environment

Design, troubleshooting, and optimization of midstream and downstream process facilities. From networks to process facilities to flares all in one place.

Combines Symmetry and Flaresim

Combines Symmetry Full Bundle, Flaresim, Gasification 2010, and SARA Regular Solution with Pipesim and Olga.



  • Process workspace
    • IMCoord
    • Flare workspace
  • Flaresim flare systems design and analysis software



  • Symmetry process simulation software
    • Process workspace
    • Pipe workspace
    • Flare workspace
    • Dynamics
  • Flaresim software
  • Pipesim steady-state multiphase flow simulator
  • Olga dynamic multiphase flow simulator
  • Gasification 2010
  • Saturates, aromatics, resins, and asphaltenes (SARA) regular solution