Eclipse simulator

Robust, reliable reference simulator

Eclipse industry-reference reservoir simulator

The Eclipse™ industry-reference reservoir simulator offers the most complete and robust set of numerical solutions for fast and accurate prediction of dynamic behavior for all types of reservoirs and development schemes. The Eclipse simulator has been the benchmark for commercial reservoir simulation for more than 40 years due to its robust capabilities, speed, parallel scalability, and unmatched platform coverage. The simulator covers the entire spectrum of reservoir modeling, including black-oil, compositional, thermal, and streamline simulation.

Eclipse new features

Eclipse Training Courses

NExT offers a comprehensive training program to support users of the SLB software, plugins, and other software products.

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In this section

Simulate the full spectrum of enhanced oil recovery methods and model CO2 capture and storage projects

Leverage the power of high-performance computers to speed up your simulation workflows

For heavy oil recovery, handling changes in reservoir temperature and calorific energy

Simulate coal bed methane, shale gas, shale oil, and naturally fractured reservoirs