Eclipse new features

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Eclipse new features
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Release Updates

Date-ordered tabular input for satellite group production definition
The new GSATPTAB keyword has been added to both E100 and E300 to allow specification of all satellite group production information in a single keyword, with rows defined by the date they are to be applied. This is an alternative to the existing GSATPROD keyword, which must be specified multiple times throughout the scheduling data

New and improved functionality

For both Eclipse 100 and Eclipse 300 simulator

  • Improvements to robustness of parallel simulation of large grids
  • Improvements to consistency of reporting user-defined quantities (UDQ) measurements to the summary file in serial and parallel runs.
  • Removal of spurious output when well lists are included in keywords that do not support them.
  • Removal of spurious output when wildcards that do not match any valid items are requested.

For the Eclipse 100 simulator

  • The dynamic allocation memory system for summary vectors has been improved to support cases with extremely large numbers of wells and/or groups.
  • Improved handling of the END keyword in datasets containing local grid refinements.

For the Eclipse 300 simulator

  • Validation of group-related keywords has been improved.
  • Improved reporting of summary vectors for tracer production concentrations.
  • Validation has been improved for very large thermal models in parallel to ensure clean termination with output of suggested viable parallel splits when the requested parallel split is unviable.

Eclipse 2024.1 New Features

Eclipse 2024.1 release announcement

Direct regrouping of wells

A “direct” regrouping option that allows unconditional transfer of wells to a new group has been added. This will prove useful in several field management scenarios, such as regrouping wells to different manifolds, facilities, or production targets.


Additional inflow control device information in RFT reports

RFT reports for wells containing inflow control devices (ICDs) have been extended to include three latest items: ICD (inflow control devices) length, scaling factor, and maximum flow rates at segment conditions. These can be useful for quality checking the inflow performance for these devices and can be visualized from Petrel™ subsurface software.


Eclipse 2023.4 New Features

Eclipse 2023.4 release announcement


Improvements to CO2 storage functionality

Aiming to enhance CO2 storage applications, this release includes improvements such as:

  • The AMFVD keyword can now be used to define equilibrated initial conditions in isothermal CO2STORE models. As for thermal CO2STORE models, values will be adjusted where the concentration exceeds the saturated value.
  • It is no longer necessary to supply placeholder values for salt components in the KVTABTn keyword. The relevant columns can be defaulted.
  • PRT file tables have been added for vapor-oil K-values for components, which have an oil phase within the pressure and temperature range of the tables.
  • PRT file tables are no longer produced for oil-water and vapor-water K-values, for components which do not have one or both phases within the pressure and temperature range of the tables.
  • PRT file density tables are no longer produced for components which have constant density in that phase.
  • For CO2SOL models, it is now possible to default individual columns (other than pressure) in the SOLUBILT keyword. The generated values will be the same as if the whole table had been defaulted. Table input has also been made more robust to formatting across multiple lines.
  • Reporting and checking have been improved for the AMF, RSW, AMFVD and ZMFVD keywords, to clarify when they are required, when they are optional, and when their contents will not be used if provided.



Eclipse 2023.3 New Features

Eclipse 2023.3 release announcement



The Eclipse 2023.3 release includes key developments that improve CO2 storage functionality, as well as usability enhancements to various features.

Release updates

Improvements to CO2 storage functionality Aiming to enhance CO2 storage applications, this release focuses on a quality and enhancement campaign to around CO2STORE workflows. Improvements include:

  • Kvw table reporting is now available for isothermal CO2STORE models. CO2 and H2O salinity dependent tables for the pressure and temperature range supported by the Spycher and Pruess formulation are available in the PRT file and, in extended for, the DBG file.
  • The existing Kvw table reporting for thermal CO2STORE models has been extended to provide all the above features.
  • The AMF keyword can now be used to define enumerated initial conditions to isothermal CO2STORE models. The associated AMF reporting keywords and mnemonics are also now available, for both summary and 3D output.
  • Improvements have been made to the K-value calculation in models containing NaCl and cells where extensive vaporization led to minimal amounts of liquid water present.
  • Enhancements to defaulted SOLUBILT tables around robustness of pressure values.
  • Reporting improvements to ZMF for CO2 in water-filled cells.



Eclipse 2023.2 New Features

Eclipse 2023.2 release announcement



The Eclipse 2023.2 release includes key developments, that improve modeling capabilities for cases modeling CO2 solubility in water, to the CO2SOL functionality.

Release updates

Improvements to CO2SOL functionality

Aiming to enhance CO2 storage applications, this release brings a quality and enhancement campaign to modelling CO2 solubility in water using the CO2SOL keyword. Improvements include:

  • Temperature dependent solubility tables can now be generated automatically.
  • The solubility table reporting to the PRT file has been improved, with better formatting and more significant figures output. For automatically generated tables, additional information on the salinity, temperature and viscosity calculation type used has been added.
  • The documentation has been improved to highlight alternative calculation methods which are available for viscosity, density, and water formation volume factor.
  • An issue which meant that the automatically generated temperature independent tables used an inappropriate temperature in models without an RTEMP keyword has been fixed.
  • Component aqueous solution gas-water ratio can now be reported for individual global and local grid blocks.

For the Eclipse 100 simulator

  • The date and time of a run is now output to the PRT file in a similar format to Eclipse 300.
  • The GVIR summary keyword output now includes the effects of compressibility.
  • Reporting for item 48 of the OPTIONS keyword has been improved.

For the Eclipse 300 simulator

  • Mole fractions for missing hydrocarbon phases are now reported as zero rather than set to the mole fraction for the other hydrocarbon phase.
  • The EDITNNC and EDITNNCR keyword processing algorithm has been optimized.
  • Saturation endpoints are now processed and reported correctly for GASWAT models.



Eclipse 2023.1 New Features

Eclipse 2023.1 release announcement



New user-defined argument (UDA) facilities

The following keywords include new items made available for definition as user-defined arguments in both ECLIPSE 100 and ECLIPSE 300 (unless otherwise noted):

GCONPROD – group production control

  • Reservoir fluid volume production rate target or upper limit

GSATPROD – satellite group production control

  • Oil production rate
  • Water production rate
  • Gas production rate
  • Reservoir fluid volume production rate
  • Mean calorific value of gas produced (ECLIPSE 100 only)

The use of expressions in these control methods allow, for instance, concise production decline curve type modeling.

Additionally, the alternative behavior for well and group quantities that can be specified by UDA in more than one keyword, previously available only in ECLIPSE 100, is now also available in ECLIPSE 300. Additional functionality has been added in both ECLIPSE 100 and ECLIPSE 300 for cases where a second keyword modifies a quantity rather than setting it directly.

Finally, UDA reporting has been improved to avoid situations where, if wildcards were used in a keyword, there was no confirmation that a particular UDA had been deactivated .

Improved reporting for multisegment wells

  • Chord segment links for looped flow paths, as specified in the WSEGLINK keyword, are now output to the RFT file.
  • In ECLIPSE 100, an issue has been resolved that caused some summary output to be missing when segment numbering was not continuous.
  • In ECLIPSE 300, error checking has been improved in cases where WSEGDIMS dimensions were not large enough for the model, and where there was a mismatch between the usage of COMPDATL and COMPSEGL.

For both ECLIPSE 100 and ECLIPSE 300 simulators

  • Restart runs using SKIPREST will now not terminate if an END keyword is encountered inside an ACTION family keyword while skipping.

For ECLIPSE 100 simulator

  • The LGR name in the COMPDATL keyword can now be defaulted.
  • Specifying the NONNC keyword for a dual porosity model now terminates cleanly with an error.

For ECLIPSE 300 simulator

  • Viscosity and density calculations have been improved for thermal models that use the CVTYPE, CGDTYPE, or CGVTYPE keywords to avoid the use of extreme critical temperatures. Reporting has also been improved.
  • For CO2STORE models, the algorithm for THP-controlled well pressure calculations now avoids initial estimated pressures outside the validated Spycher-Pruess range, and the PRT output of Ezrokhi coefficients now supports very small values.
  • An issue has been resolved that caused some parallel runs to fail with an internal error message about the MPI buffer being too small if a grid file was not requested.
  • The WELLWAG keyword can now work for the MONTHS cycle type for large cycle values.
  • Tracer cumulative connection summary vector output has been corrected for parallel runs.