Petrel play and prospect assessment
Achieving production objectives with full stochastic evaluation of exploration portfolios
Scalable decision support for risk, resource, and economic evaluation of exploration projects and portfolios
Geox™ exploration risk, resource, and value assessment software offers powerful capabilities to support your key exploration decisions. It provides a consistent, unbiased, and accurate assessment of at-risk resource potential—from single prospects to regional play fairways.
Yet-to-find potential ranked by size.
The full range of assessment situations can be modeled to reflect the decision timeline, project maturity, and data availability. Fully probabilistic capabilities provide a rich set of modeling alternatives with multiple alternative depth-dependent representations of volumetrics, advanced fluid modeling, saturation height functions, dual-porosity systems, and the effects of charge uncertainty.
Risk models can be customized within basic shared play and conditional local risk frameworks, which can be applied to oil, gas, or multiple-phase targets as well as shale gas, shale oil, and coalbed methane opportunities.
Probabilistic assessment of resources in a multisegment prospect.
Geox software provides a robust set of functions to assess play- and prospect-level chance of success. It also provides success case resources given different levels of risk dependencies and volume correlations between segments in the prospect:
Geox software play and prospect assessment training courses address the unique need of each learner, our courses, delivered by world-class experts, teach learners how to deal with real-life scenarios and solve genuine problems.