Olga dynamic multiphase flow simulator
The industry-standard tool for dynamic multiphase flow simulation
The industry-standard tool for dynamic multiphase flow simulation.
Single-line multiphase flow model add-on to process simulators
The Pipesys pipeline hydraulics module for HYSYS, UniSim, and Petro-SIM simulation platforms allows you to model multiphase flow through the production system upstream of the processing facilities as well as through transportation pipelines downstream. The Pipesys module was designed to be used entirely within the familiar environment of the process simulator, with seamless integration to enable quick yet powerful analysis. This is an alternative to the PIPESIM steady-state multiphase flow simulator, which requires models to be built externally and linked.
TFor over 20 years, the Pipesys module has been used to enable optimal design and operation of pipelines and facilities. Detailed fluid models built and characterized within the process simulators are transferred to the Pipesys module for use in modeling the pipeline and equipment. Powerful sensitivity analysis may be easily performed on a variety of inputs by using the case study feature.
Pipesys module performs rigorous multiphase flow calculations based on a selection of industry-standard and proprietary methods, including the Olga dynamic multiphase flow simulator. For detailed heat transfer, a variety of options are available, including buried pipe, coatings, and cooldown calculations.
Equipment such as pumps, compressors, heaters, and fittings can be defined along the profile. Flow assurance checks on severe slugging, pigging volumes, and erosion may also be easily performed. Pipesys module enables you to:
Pipesys pipeline hydraulics module training courses address the unique need of each learner, our courses, delivered by world-class experts, teach learners how to deal with real-life scenarios and solve genuine problems.