Techlog BASE

The Techlog BASE is the foundation of the whole suite upon which the rest of the modules meet in a tightly integrated environment to deliver all of the elements you need to process your data & deliver results

blue Schlumberger texture

Data Import

Data can be dropped directly into the editor from the import or export buffers prior to transfer. Other key import features within the Techdata module include:

  • LAS (1,2,3) and wizards (.txt, .csv, .prn, etc.).
  • DLIS-Tool recognition and tool calibration properties loading.
  • Automatic family assignment.
  • Core photos/thin sections (.jpg, .tif, .png, etc.)
  • Wellbore images and acoustic waveforms.
  • SEG-Y format support.

The Techlog Base is the foundation of the software delivering the fundamental data loading and editing to populate projects and start the analysis process. These include the following functionality:

  • Data Import/Export, editing, viewing:
  • Loaders for DLIS, LIS, LAS 2, LAS 3, WITSML*, CSV, ASCII, OpenSpirit®**, RecallTM**, JPG, GIF, TIFF, BMP, PNG, SEG-Y, etc.
  • Multi-well data management with easy spreadsheet-like data editing and processing.
  • Customizable data viewers with cross-plots, plots, histograms etc.
  • Fully Interactive Drag & Drop interface within an ergonomic environment.
  • The Techlog base also includes Techplot, Techdata and Environmental Correction Modules.

* Additional module required.
** Appropriate connector required.

A group sitting in an auditorium watching a presenter speak on a characterization model image

NExT Techlog training courses

NExT offers a comprehensive training program to support users of the SLB software, plugins, and other software products.

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