Metris Evolve
Permanent pressure and temperature gauge
Proprietary enhanced silicon-on-insulator sensors for high-quality measurements, immune to electrical noise.
Automated analysis and interpretation of data from intelligent completions
Our production optimization digital workflows for intelligent completions enable consolidation and visualization of hundreds of channels of high-frequency data from intelligent completion sensors via simple plots. The workflows provide advice on optimal interval control valve (ICV) settings for improving well cleanup and production, while reducing data analysis and decision time by a factor of 10 compared with conventional techniques.
The workflows use a proprietary simulator that maps downloaded sensor data to the well configuration. Automated calculation engines use raw sensor data to estimate zonal flow rates, fluid phases, drawdowns, productivity index, and more for zonal and well performance reviews over the life of the well. The workflows incorporate the well model, enabling analysis of intelligent well completion hydraulics and optimization of ICV configurations.
Leverage real-time analysis of well and reservoir data.
With conventional workflows, intelligent completion sensor data is only used to trigger alarms for identifying undesirable events. Detection of these events prompts an elaborate well test, followed by averaging the test data over time and analyzing it to identify the optimal valve configuration. The lengthy process, which can span months, involves creating a well evaluation program, planning logistics, executing the program, acquiring and analyzing data, and making recommendations. By the time corrective actions are implemented, well conditions may have changed. In contrast, with the SLB production optimization digital workflows, data-driven actions can be taken in a few days instead of months, enabling a dramatic improvement in the efficacy of remedial actions.