Wellbore Interpretation and Analysis

Maximize the value of your data and measurements

Software Integrated Solutions group

Domain expertise to maximize value of borehole measurements

  • We have specialized experts in the domains of acoustics, geosteering, geology, geomechanics, geophysics, petrophysics, production, reservoir engineering, and well integrity.

  • Our team of specialized domain experts can advise and deliver fit for purpose solutions from predrilling, post drilling, and logging phases to well intervention, and finally well abandonment.

Integration of subsurface data to reduce uncertainty, mitigate risk, and maximize production

  • Comprehensive formation evaluation from subsurface data to characterize lithology and fluid
  • Optimized completion designs for maximum production
  • Tailor made well intervention and well abandonment campaigns Optimized geosteering, logging, and workover operation in real-time
GAIA digital subsurface platform

Key offerings

Real-time consultancy while drilling or logging

  • Optimize your logging and workover operations plan
  • Make decisions to geo-steer your wells for maximum productivity

Wellbore centric integrated solutions

  • Fit for purpose solutions across life cycle of a well
  • Meaningful and timely insights for your production and efficiency gains
  • Automate your workflows using our custom-made AI/machine learning (ML) solutions

Multi-well analysis and interpretation

  • Maximize value from your existing data
  • Quick insights about your reservoirs using digital solutions
  • Intelligent characterization of your reservoir using best in class AI/ML workflows
DELFI Geophysicist

Geophysics: solutions provided for reservoir definition, reservoir monitoring, drilling solution, reservoir evaluation, and reservoir imaging

  • Design and process borehole seismic surveys from basic rig source to 3D, and time lapse vertical seismic profiles (VSPs)
  • Robust velocity model creation
  • Time lapse signals for fluid monitoring projects in CCUS and enhanced oil recovery (EOR) projects
  • Microseismic processing in real time Integration with surface seismic data

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  • Provide borehole image and dip analysis
  • Structural and sedimentological interpretation
  • Carbonate heterogeneity analysis
  • Natural fracture characterization
  • Multi-well studies to enable reservoir mapping

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Screenshot of reservoir with cross-sections.
Seismic sections and acoustic impedance inversions examples after multiple attenuation with 3D GSMP general surface multiple prediction and XIMP


  • Derive petrophysical parameters and geomechanical properties (elastic properties, overburden, minimum horizontal stress)
  • Provide geophysical parameter (P-wave, δ and ε)
  • Aid in completion design, and
  • Fracture evaluation

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  • Interpretation using wellbore measurements (GR, resistivity, NMR, dielectric)
  • Integration with core data
  • Derive reservoir properties for mineral and fluid volumes, porosities, permeability, and saturation

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Discontinuous clinoform features are readily identifiable in the interpreted images from Deeplook-CS crosswell seismic service.
Real-Time Drilling Geomechanics Reduces NPT


  • Drilling optimization
  • Hydraulic fracturing and perforations optimization
  • Planning for horizontal wells
  • Stability investigations in completions 3D long-term cement integrity modeling
  • Analysis of production and injection effects on the subsurface stability and reservoir quality

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Production and completion

  • Flow profiling
  • Flow rate estimation
  • Water production/high water cut
  • Designing multistage and single-stage completion for initial stimulation
  • Analyze hydraulic fractures in unconventional reservoirs and complex stress regimes
  • Well interventions to enhance the well performance

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IOGP JIP, Configurable Equipment Platforms Propel Industry Toward Standardized Completion Designs
Image: UTUR self-healing cement automatically reestablishes well integrity.

Well integrity

  • Optimizing completion design and lowering development costs
  • Reservoir monitoring
  • Diagnosing production problems
  • Monitoring results of stimulation

Digital ecosystem enabling access to expertise anytime and anywhere

Oil and gas software, including industry-standard Petrel subsurface software and cloud-based Delfi environment

Improve reservoir evaluation and interpretation

24/7 surveillance for proactively addressing challenges