Intelligent well delivery and insights
Intelligent well delivery and insights.
Automated rheometer
Current drilling fluid testing protocols limit the quantity and distribution of critical data. However, the RheoProfiler™ automated rheometer offers a comprehensive and user-friendly system for testing density and rheological characteristics across all fluid types—water, oil, and synthetic. Designed to increase the efficiency of the mud engineer, it elevates the visibility of drilling fluid properties on rigs anywhere in the world.
Controlled by a user-friendly touchscreen, the RheoProfiler rheometer enables automated density and rheological tests to be performed efficiently from varied sample points. Because the tests are automated and device-controlled, a reliable and precise testing method is guaranteed, eliminating repetitive tasks for the fluid engineer. The system quickly delivers data to help customers tackle drilling fluid challenges and efficiently communicates results to improve well construction performance. The rheology, gels, and density measurements are time-stamped and stored on the unit, which are then automatically transmitted to the electronic drilling recorder and to Drilling Fluids Advisor.