Case Study Tailored Chemistry Solution Reduces TPH and TSS by <95%
Novel chemistry increased the operating envelope of processing equipment and brought the discharge under spec.
Enabling oil and gas producers to enhance unit operations and clean produced water for disposal or injection
Our integrated solution combines cutting-edge treatment technologies with tailored production chemistries. By addressing the unique composition of produced water on a case-by-case basis, we efficiently tackle high salinity and remove other contaminants, such as emulsified oil and suspended solids. The result? Lower cost per unit volume of treated water. Say goodbye to expensive treatment and disposal of produced water—our approach optimizes resource utilization for enhanced oil recovery (EOR) and sustainable practices.
Minimizing risk to the environment while balancing the goals of the oil and gas industry is a key priority. From water injection to EOR, we safeguard ecosystems and promote responsible water management. Let us revolutionize your water treatment process with cost-effective and ecofriendly solutions tailored to your requirements.
Contact us for more details or a personalized consultation!