PGN Saka: Fast tracking workover candidate selection

Selection time for workover candidate reduced by 89% for PGN Saka


Using AI embedded in digital solutions from Schlumberger, PGN Saka automated its well workover and intervention programs to vastly accelerate the selection process. The automated system screens and ranks high-well-count assets in a fraction of the time to detect, diagnose and recommend the appropriate actions required to ensure that wells remain healthy, for an evergreen opportunity pipeline.

Image of a woman with text reading that ai reduced candidate selection process by 89%

AI embedded digital solutions

PGN Saka used a hybrid physics- data-centric automated decision support system anchored in a knowledge-based framework to identify well performance signature and opportunities that we best aligned with the operator’s economic considerations. Machine learning (ML) models ensured the system keeps improving as decisions are made.

AI working for you

The data science profile in the Delfi digital platform enables customization of AI-powered well portfolio optimization systems by petrotechnical engineers.

AI working for you

"They performed full well optimization, workover and intervention across 196 completions weekly, compared to yearly on the previous manual review."

Excerpt from joint PGN Saka and SLB technical paper published in World Oil, June 2020
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