Eclipse Parallel / MR

Leverage the power of high-performance computers to speed up your simulation workflows

Eclipse parallel / MR

The Eclipse parallel/multiple realization option allows run your simulations on multiple cores.

The option is flexible, so you can either run one simulation split across many cores to speed up the run time or you can run multiple realizations of a base simulation case—or a hybrid of the two.

Running simulations in parallel on multiple cores can save huge amounts of time and massively increase productivity—simulations that previously took days, now take hours. More predictive scenarios can be tested, which results in better field-development decisions and models that are normally prohibitively slow to simulate can be run.

The use of this option for multiple realizations massively speeds up simulation intensive workflows, such as uncertainty analysis, history matching, or production forecasting optimization. By allowing multiple realizations of a base case to be run on different cores, you halve the time taken for the workflow each time you double the number of available cores.

Developing multiple scenarios for Enhanced Oil Recovery schemes
A group sitting in an auditorium watching a presenter speak on a characterization model image

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