Production assurance solutions
Amplify operational efficiency through continuous surveillance, streamlined well-network flow, and optimized resources.
The new generation in multiphase flow simulation to overcome fluid flow challenges and optimize production
Pipesim steady-state multiphase flow simulator incorporates the three core areas of flow modeling: multiphase flow, heat transfer and fluid behavior. For 30 years, the Pipesim simulator has been continuously improved not only by the latest science in these areas, but also the latest innovations in computing and oil and gas industry technologies.
The Pipesim simulator includes advanced three-phase mechanistic models, rigorous heat transfer modeling and comprehensive PVT modeling options. The ESRI-supported GIS map canvas helps deliver true spatial representation of wells, equipment and networks. Networks can be built either on the GIS canvas or automatically using a GIS shapefile. Rapid well model building and analysis are done with an interactive graphical wellbore. The implementation of a new parallel network solver, which spreads the computational load across all processors results in a faster simulation runtime.
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Pipesim Base System: A number of modules are available to extend the base system:
Network analysis
Model networks with add-ons for well optimization and Linux engine computation. See ANWA-J1.
PVT toolbox
Module for compositional fluid modeling using the SLB Eclipse-300 and DBR Flash packages. An add-on is also available for Advanced Gas Equations of State (includes NIST REFPROP and GERG PVT packages), designed to accurately model gas systems, particularly compositions rich in CO2.
Enables compositional fluid modeling and advanced flow assurance analyses. The Module includes the Multiflash standalone interface in addition to the simplified interface available within Pipesim simulator. Individual add-ons are available for the CSMA Equation of State, hydrates analysis, wax thermodynamic prediction and asphaltene prediction.
Olga steady-state flow
Steady-state versions of the 2- and 3-phase mechanistic multiphase flow models used with the Olga transient simulator.
LedaFlow steady-state flow
Steady-state versions of the 2- and 3-phase mechanistic multiphase flow models used with the Kongsberg LedaFlow transient simulator.
Rod pump design, optimization, and diagnostics
Rod pump design and optimization. A separate module provides diagnostic analysis for rod pump systems.
Solids deposition and precipitation
One module enables the DBR-Solids standalone application to perform detailed fluid characterization defining wax properties. An add-on enables associated calculations using wax properties. Another module enables the DBR-Solids application to predict wax and asphaltene precipitation temperatures.
Safe and effective fluid transport
Modern production systems require designs that ensure safe and cost-effective transportation of fluids from the reservoir to the processing facilities. Once these systems are brought into production, the ability to ensure optimal flow is critical to maximizing economic potential. From complex individual wells to vast production networks, the Pipesim steady-state multiphase flow simulator enables production optimization over the complete lifecycle.
Continuous innovation incorporating leading science
For over 30 years, the Pipesim simulator has been continuously improved by incorporating not only the latest science in the three core areas of flow modeling—multiphase flow, heat transfer, and fluid behavior—but also the latest innovations in computing, and oil and gas industry technologies. The simulator includes advanced three-phase mechanistic models, enhancements to heat transfer modeling, and comprehensive PVT modeling options. The ESRI-supported GIS map canvas helps deliver true spatial representation of wells, equipment, and networks. Networks can be built on the GIS canvas or generated automatically using a GIS shape file. The interactive graphical wellbore enables rapid well model building and analysis. Faster simulation runtime has also been achieved for all modeling though the implementation of a new parallel network solver to spread the computational load across all processors.
Steady-state flow assurance, from concept to operations
The Pipesim simulator offers the industry’s most comprehensive steady-state flow assurance workflows for front-end system design and production operations. The flow assurance capabilities of the simulator enable engineers to ensure safe and effective fluid transport—from sizing of facilities, pipelines, and lift systems, to ensuring effective liquids and solids management, to well and pipeline integrity. Shared heat transfer, multiphase flow, and fluid behavior methodologies ensure data quality and consistency between the steady-state and transient analyses.
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