Petrophysicist on Delfi
Domain profiles on Delfi
Perform basic and advanced interpretation in a single environment for accurate and integrated models.
Multiuser knowledge collaboration and sharing to improve multidisciplinary productivity
Studio E&P knowledge software is deployed by 10 of the top 12 E&P companies in the world. This platform for multiuser collaboration is built specifically for Petrel subsurface software and Techlog wellbore software to maintain the flexibility and freedom of a project-based working environment while enhancing collaboration among users. The full-access control and security provided within a centralized location also facilitate more efficient data management workflows.
Studio E&P knowledge software reduces the time spent searching for data by up to 60%, which also reduces the need for reworking areas and encourages teams to build on the work of others. Searching for data of interest is fast and easy because Studio E&P knowledge software's powerful search engine is integrated into the Petrel subsurface software, allowing users to quickly browse multiple data sources in a seamless, intuitive manner. Using powerful filters, you can easily drill down to identify data items. Results are graphically previewed within both the project canvas and a table view. Search results can be compared to identify unique items, duplication, or differences—and search results are easily shared.
Search for information across multiple sources including:
Studio E&P knowledge software is a modern database for modern applications. Built on a publish-subscribe model, it puts users in control of what they share with others and when they share it. Users are similarly in control of what they receive from others and when they receive it. This ensures that users share and consume only data of value while retaining the flexibility for exploration workflows in their own projects. Alternatively, groups working together can choose to collaborate by synchronizing their work based on a specific folder to automatically share all updates with others who have elected to keep that folder in sync.
Alerts and notifications keep users aware of what is happening across the team. Users are alerted to data of specific interest to them, speeding up the iterations between users. The ability to flag items to convey the status (temporary, final, or complete) and confidence (low, medium, or high) of the data being shared increases confidence in the decisions taken.
Studio E&P knowledge software provides a proven scalable database supported by industry standard technology. It is specifically designed to handle E&P project data as well as the knowledge related to that data, all stored together in context. This capability facilitates better retention and reuse of generated knowledge.
With Studio Manager, data managers have all the administration and core data management tools required to quickly understand the state of Studio E&P knowledge software. You can capture, retain, and deliver the necessary results to the asset team—enabling data managers to ascertain the status of repositories, review recent user activity, identify tasks to be performed, and proactively support users.
Petrel 2024.5 and Studio 2024.5 release announcement
Petrel 2024.1 and Studio 2024.1 release announcement
Commitment to technology and quality is one of SLB’s guiding principles. In line with this, our Petrel 2024.1 and Studio 2024.1 updates deliver the latest in domain workflows, functionality, and productivity.
NExT training courses address the unique need of each learner, our courses, delivered by world-class experts, teach learners how to deal with real-life scenarios and solve genuine problems.