Dry friction reducer and high-viscosity friction reducer skid

Meter, blend, and inject dry friction reducer in precise concentrations

The skid automates hydration and injection of dry FR during hydraulic fracturing operations.

Mix dry friction reducer and high-viscosity friction reducer on site in real time

The dry friction reducer (FR) and high-viscosity friction reducer (HVFR) skid enables concurrent metering, blending, and injection of dry FR in precise concentrations, replacing legacy pumping equipment used for liquid friction reducers. With the skid, dry FR product can be injected at rates up to 50 lbm/min [22.7 kg/min] per unit during hydraulic fracturing operations—delivering equivalent or better stimulation performance compared with conventional friction reducers. 

Its unique design enables loading two 3,500-lbm- [1,587-kg-] capacity polybins of dry FR material on top of the skid—for maximum material availability and uptime. 

The specially engineered dry FR skid was built to optimize dry FR delivery. The transition from liquid FR to dry FR overcomes key challenges associated with liquid FR, including rig-up, logistics, HSE risks, and onsite storage.

  • Conventional and unconventional hydraulic fracturing treatments
  • Slickwater, hybrid, or high-concentration FR jobs
  • Flexible, modular design
  • Automated, unmanned, dust-free delivery
  • High- and low-rate discharge streams
  • Redundant material bins
  • Third-party compatibility 
  • Electric power system 

Optimize dry FR mixing with an automated control system

The dry FR skid hydrates dry FR and HVFR using an automated control system to optimize the solid-to-liquid ratio of dry friction reducer to water. This ensures accurate mixing while eliminating the need for human intervention. Fluid is discharged for downhole via a main slurry discharge and a low-rate discharge. Discharge can be rigged in upstream or downstream of the blender.