News Release SLB electrifies well control with latest tech
New electric well control technologies reduce costs and improve safety of drilling operations
Electric well control technologies
Well construction is a complex and capital-intensive endeavor. But the industry is undergoing a technological revolution, driven by the need to comply with new regulations and boost operational efficiency. At the forefront of this transformation is the adoption of electric solutions, which bring a host of benefits in terms of performance, reliability, and cost-effectiveness.
Our EWC™ electric well control technologies are revolutionizing drilling operations by addressing the limitations of traditional hydraulic systems. The transition to electric well control technologies is not just an upgrade; it is a transformation shaping the future of drilling operations.
EWC technologies overcome the limitations of traditional hydraulic systems, offering a more efficient and reliable alternative. Real-time monitoring and data-driven insights in the technologies allow for proactive maintenance, optimized performance, and informed decision making, driving operational efficiency to new levels.