Asphaltene Management
Maximize production by preventing or removing asphaltene deposits
Optimal solutions based on field and fluid data, testing, and performance evaluation.
Umbilical-friendly production chemicals address challenges such as scale, corrosion, wax, asphaltene deposition, and hydrates in extreme subsea conditions
Deepwater production is likely to increase as traditional fields deplete and engineering developments expand industry frontiers. Production chemicals are pivotal in ensuring efficient oil and gas extraction from deepwater fields and maintaining the integrity of associated facilities.
Our expertise in this area derives from involvement in projects encompassing shallow-water, deepwater, and ultradeepwater developments in Brazil, West Africa, and the North Sea, including the presalt layer. We've acquired local knowledge, cultivated domain expertise, and navigated a learning curve together with our customers. As a prominent global service provider for deepwater fields, SLB has played a crucial role in introducing tailored production chemical technologies to numerous operators.
Our extensive range of production chemicals certified for extreme subsea conditions effectively addresses various challenges in deep water, including scale, corrosion, wax, asphaltene deposition, and hydrates.
Leveraging our science, engineering, and digital expertise, we've extended our presence throughout the energy landscape. Our comprehensive industry-leading portfolio in the production domain includes process equipment, chemicals, services, and digital technologies. In challenging conditions such as deep water, our production chemicals undergo a rigorous, customized product qualification process to ensure that their tailored design is suitable for the intended purpose.
SLB remains at the forefront of innovation, consistently introducing new technologies and solutions. Whether extending our expertise to small brownfield operators or facilitating the exploration and development of ultradeepwater fields, we're committed to advancing the application of basin-specific technologies and processes.
Our cutting-edge deepwater testing facility in Houston, Texas, is dedicated to researching and developing advanced production chemicals. Comprehensive and rigorous testing procedures involve evaluating the performance, stability, and compatibility of chemicals in environments that mimic the challenges of deepwater conditions.
Notably, our pioneering chemical solutions for deep water have stood the test of time. The industry has acknowledged our technological contributions, exemplified by successful fit-for-basin chemical solutions that effectively address operator challenges, particularly in Brazil. Our commitment to excellence is underscored by consecutive years of receiving the prestigious Technological Innovation Awards from Brazil's National Agency for Petroleum, Natural Gas, and Biofuels (ANP).
Leveraging more than 35 years of experience, we place great emphasis on environmental stewardship. In the Norwegian sector of the North Sea, for example, we have taken a leading role in the industry by conducting internal environmental testing in our accredited laboratory and actively working with regulators and customers to ensure the highest level of protection for the natural ecosystem in the areas where we operate.
Our testing protocol for qualifying deepwater production chemicals aligns with API TR 17TR6: Attributes of Production Chemicals in Subsea Production Systems. This document resulted from the Blockage Avoidance in Subsea Injection and Control Systems (BASICS) Joint Industry Project (JIP), in which SLB was a founding member. Below is an overview of these tests. Additional testing may be conducted based on your requirements, ensuring the highest standards of deepwater chemical performance and reliability.