Custom emulsion viscosity reducer boosts production up to 20% in gas lift wells

Middle East, Qatar, Offshore

To tackle the production decline caused by downhole emulsion formation in an operator’s gas lift wells, SLB developed the emulsion viscosity reducer EB-82083. In the first three wells, viscosity measured at surface decreased by up to 85% while production increased as much as 20%, prompting adoption of the product for additional wells.

An operator offshore Qatar was noticing a decrease in production and an increase in bottomhole pressure (BHP) in its gas lift wells. The most likely cause was the formation of emulsion—which has higher viscosity—downhole. Injection gas can cause produced fluids to cool rapidly, significantly increasing emulsion tendency and slugging risk. These wells operate with a single gas injection mandrel. Therefore, it is critical that any remedial product injected downhole does not leave deposits that can hinder injection and lead to well shut-ins, which would worsen the production issues.

SLB and several third parties were invited to conduct a comprehensive system analysis in selected wells that were severely affected and develop a robust solution to the challenge.

Following the analysis, onsite emulsion breaker bottle tests were performed with various chemistries across a two-week period to identify the optimal solutions. Based on the results, SLB was selected to conduct field trials in three wells.

The custom-engineered product EB-82083 that was used by SLB had undergone extensive laboratory testing to ensure its suitability and efficacy for the target wells. BHP, oil production rates, and the percentage of emulsion at surface were continuously monitored to gauge the effectiveness of the chosen solution. Observations showed

  • zero emulsion
  • 78% to 85% less viscosity
  • lower BHP and 15%–20% higher production
  • reduced slugging.

The operator’s central laboratory confirmed that EB-82083 outperformed all competing products. Pleased with the results, the operator awarded SLB a contract for additional supplies of the viscosity reducer to use in these and other wells facing emulsion challenges.

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