Remove methane emissions and flaring from your operations. For good.
Managing methane emissions is new for many industries. An avalanche of technologies, vendors, regulations, cost curves, and data raises uncertainties about which technologies work best for your particular asset, operations, and business economics.
You're not alone—we can help.
End-to-end methane elimination advisory services
Continuous methane emissions monitoring
Facilities audits to find root causes of methane emissions
Leak repair and installation of low- or no-emission equipment
A purpose-built digital platform for all your methane emissions reduction activity
Viable alternatives for gas that would otherwise be flared or vented
Thought leaders from around the world share their vision and experiences.
If we want industrial decarbonization to become a reality sooner, we need to join forces in tackling it.
To reduce your GHG emissions, you must modernize how you screen, rank, and select your carbon storage sites.
What does the Brevik CCS project teach us about cement manufacturers reaching net-zero emissions?
Do you know the 4 important steps that kick off a well integrity risk assessment? For CO2 storage, you should.
We’re diverse and insightful, pushing the boundaries on a global stage.