Eliminate methane and flaring emissions

Decarbonize operations by addressing large sources of greenhouse gases

Choosing the best solution to effectively reduce methane and flaring emissions
Methane and flaring emissions make up the largest and most visible sources of greenhouse gases (GHGs) from oil and gas operations today. A growing number of technologies and approaches are available that can eliminate or reduce these emissions while simultaneously making good use of fluids that would otherwise be lost. The challenge is knowing where to start your footprint reduction journey.
Eliminate methane emissions and flaring

Start with a plan. And partner you can trust.

We work with our customers to address methane emissions and eliminate or reduce both routine and nonroutine flaring in their operations. We partner with you to understand your goals and help you meet them with our Transition Technologies™ and end-to-end emissions solutions. 

Fixing the fixable

The energy industry faces a dual challenge of reducing emissions and meeting global energy demand. Wiping out methane emissions is one of the biggest, easiest, and most rapid action we can take in the near term to hold down global temperatures. Eliminating or reducing flaring achieves both goals by freeing up energy that would otherwise be burned. Where flaring is unavoidable, we work to maximize combustion efficiency and minimize CO2e emissions.

SLB engineer climbing a ladder

Explore our Transition Technologies portfolio

Eliminate methane emissions

Eliminate flaring or reduce its impact

Routine flaring—the emissions we can see

By wiping out routine flaring, we can significantly reduce GHGs quickly.

Venting and fugitive emissions—the methane we can’t see

Over 20 years, methane has 84x the global warming potential compared to CO2. Addressing methane leaks, both intentional and unintentional, represents a huge opportunity to quickly reduce global warming impact of oil and gas operations.

Nonroutine flaring—other options exist

Eliminate flaring during well tests or well cleanups at the source and monetize the produced hydrocarbon instead.

Gas to what?—finding commercially viable alternatives

Instead of flaring excess natural gas, why not just use it? A whole range of "gas-to-value" technologies means we can cut GHGs while making sure associated natural gas is put to good use—and turned into value—by converting it into power, liquids, chemicals, and even cryptocurrency.