Reservoir Performance Intervention Workshop | SLB

Reservoir Performance Intervention Workshop

"Chasing Barrels with Intervention"
Monday, 5 December | Hyatt Regency Trinidad

Concrete blue texture

Join us on Monday, 5 December, for this in-person workshop to learn how SLB can deliver holistic intervention solutions to maximize your performance and reduce your cost per barrel.

Mature fields account for up to 75% of the entire world oil production, and this trend will increase in the years to come. With production decline, well problems are inevitable. As the need to produce more with reduced cost and lower environmental impact is more important than ever, well intervention is key. With 70% of intervention budget spent on restoring production as opposed to enhancement, it's time to focus on proactive intervention.

Intervention Reinvented
As the need to produce more with reduced cost and lower environmental impact is more important than ever, well intervention is key.
RP intervention workshop presenters

Workshop agenda

Hyatt Regency Trinidad | 1 Wrightson Rd, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago

Time Agenda
8:30–9:00 Registration
9:00–9:15 Opening Remarks
9:15–9:30 Keynote Speaker
9:30–10:15 Wireline Powered Intervention
10:15–10:30 Tools Demo
10:30–11:15 Peak Well Systems and Mechanical Intervention
11:15–11:30 Tools Demo
11:30–12:30 Perforating Technology—Wireline, Testing, and Coiled Tubing
12:30–13:30 Lunch
13:30–14:00 Q&A with SLB Expert and Domain Champion


Monitoring and Surveillance Technology
15:00–15:30 Closing

Read intervention case studies, tech papers, and industry articles

  • Rendering with callouts of the Fully Controllable Electrical-Line Powered Shifting Intervention Tool
    Well Diagnostics Led to Preventing Well Workover Using Fully Controllable Electrical-Line Powered Shifting Intervention Tool

    Demonstrates the unique capability and the flexibility of the service possibilities with the shifting tool. View

  • Perforation cleanout chamber returned to the surface following a P3 treatment run
    Timely Intervention Revives North Sea Oil Production

    How Schlumberger agile intervention revived North Sea production by 1,000 bbl/d with 15,000 bbl/d of water removed. View

  • Buckets of different color debris.
    A Novel Approach to Wireline Debris Removal

    New tool efficiently collects fine solids and viscous slurries of solids and pipe dope. View

  • ReSOLVE Instrumented Intervention Service Removes Debris and Opens Valve to Save BHP 7 Days of Rig Time - Monitored debris collection and confirmed valve shifting to replace time-consuming coiled tubing operations with just two wireline runs, Gulf of Mexico
    ReSOLVE Instrumented Intervention Service Removes Debris and Opens Valve to Save BHP 7 Days of Rig Time

    Monitored debris collection and confirmed valve shifting to replace time-consuming coiled tubing operations with just two wireline runs, Gulf of Mexico. View

  • PURE Clean Perforations System Doubles Productivity in Offshore Wells
    PURE Perforating System Doubles Productivity in Offshore Wells

    Dynamic underbalance perforating maximizes reservoir connectivity, perforates 79 ft of net pay offshore Malaysia. View

  • Optimized Stressed-Rock Penetration Improves Productivity up to 23% in Southern Mexico
    Optimized Stressed-Rock Penetration Improves Field Productivity up to 23% in Southern Mexico

    Using PowerJet Nova extradeep penetrating shaped charges reduces operational risk and streamlines intervention efficiency. View

  • Configuring the perforating toolstring with the MAXR anchor and the PURE system protected the ESP from excessive shock.
    ENAP–SIPEC Exceeds Production Estimate by 278% and Achieves –3.8 Skin, Ecuador

    PowerJet Nova extradeep penetrating charges with the PURE system penetrate 9 5/8-in casing, delivering clean, productive perforations. View

  • Advanced Logging Diagnosis Allows Successful Water Shut-Off
    Advanced Logging Diagnosis Allows Successful Water Shutoff

    High-resolution production logging data confirmed that setting a plug between sands would solve the problem. View

  • SIMultra plugs have a high expansion ratio, expanding and retracting significantly further than conventional V0-rated sealing technologies.
    Retrievable Bridge Plug Enables Proper Tubing Cut and Saves 4 Rig Days, Congo

    Rigless intervention reduces workover cost and mitigates risk. View

View of rig with clouds

Register for the workshop

Join us Monday, 5 December.

RSVP today