Become a Supplier to SLB | SLB

Become a Supplier to SLB

Paris office

What is expected to become a supplier

All SLB Suppliers are required to comply with SLB terms & conditions of Purchase, Contracts and SLB Code of conduct.

SLB requires suppliers to commit to conduct business in a manner that preserves and respects human dignity as set out in the SLB Code of Conduct and Human Rights Position Statement.

SLB prohibits any use or contracting, directly or indirectly, of child labor, forced labor, human trafficking, or any form of slavery.

The Working Conditions Requirements(the “Requirements”) have been developed to support the implementation of our human rights responsibilities, commitments, and expectations.

Suppliers must abide to the Requirements above, uphold and promote the respect for workers’ rights and have an obligation to inform SLB of any act of violation or deviations to SLB Code of Conduct by using the reporting options available at EthicsPoint.

More details can be found at Human Rights | SLB.

Supplier shall contribute to SLB’s environmental sustainability initiatives aimed at reducing Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions as stated in the terms accessible via this link: Supplier Environmental Sustainability and agrees to comply in this regard.

Get to know our Guiding Principles

We recognize that an effective and efficient supply chain is essential to our success. That’s why we apply significant rigor to choosing the right partners using systematic and integrated processes to select, develop, and manage our supplier base.

We work with our suppliers in a socially responsible and ethical manner and are continuously looking for ways to improve how we run our business. Our focus is to procure the right products and services at the right time and at the lowest total cost of ownership, in line with our guiding principles.

Crucially, we want our partners to join us and contribute to our journey to net zero. Sustainability is not only expected by our immediate stakeholders; it is an urgent imperative for the world.

Learn more in our specific Sustainable Supply Chain section.

Follow SLB terms and conditions

All our purchases are subject to SLB terms and conditions for purchase orders, agreement. We consider any acceptance of a purchase order, agreement as an acceptance of all associated terms and conditions such as price, currency, and shipping date as stated on the purchase order, agreement. Our standard terms and conditions for purchase orders (October 2022) can be found here.

Comply with applicable laws and regulations

SLB requires suppliers to fully comply with all applicable laws and regulations, including but not limited to the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and the UK 2010 Bribery Act. As part of the requirements for doing business with SLB, supplier compliance assessments may be performed. These requirements will be communicated to suppliers as part of the onboarding process as applicable.

Comply with SLB Code of Conduct

Any supplier doing business or entering into a contract with SLB agrees and represents that they shall promote and strictly abide by the SLB Code of Conduct. Suppliers have an obligation to inform SLB of any act of violation or deviations to SLB Code of Conduct by using the reporting options accessible on this website.

Business ethics—anticorruption principles

Suppliers, their employees, and their subcontractors must never, either directly or indirectly:

  • Give, pay, or receive any kind of bribe, or anything of value, promise to pay, authorize the payment of, or offer any inducement in any form to any employee or representative of SLB, nor to any third party, including any official of any government agency or body and employees of SLB clients, to secure any advantage or benefit in relation SLB’s business, nor influence the act or omission of any of the aforesaid persons in order to obtain or retain business, or obtain any improper advantage or benefit;
  • Obtain or maintain business through illegal conduct or practices of unfair competition.

Facilitation payments (grease payments made to speed up routine, nondiscretionary government action) are prohibited.

Business gifts and conflicts of interest

Employees engaged in procurement, logistics, or supplier management roles are not permitted to:

  • Disclose data or information obtained, learned, or used in furtherance of their duties or experiences as an employee of SLB.
  • Use a personal account to obtain or accumulate reward, loyalty, frequent flier, guest, or other similar points or credits attributable to purchases or bookings made in furtherance of SLB business.
  • Engage in any activities that could be interpreted as marketing, advertising, or advocating one potential supplier over another.
  • Attend any entertainment, social, or other events hosted or paid for by anyone directly or indirectly participating in an open, ongoing or pending tender or bidding exercise.
  • Accept any gift or entertainment from any person, company, or entity currently engaged in or seeking to do business with SLB that (i) is recurrent, (ii) is intended as a bribe, kickback, payoff, irregular payment, or creates the appearance of such, or that otherwise may raise any potential embarrassment or conflicts of interest, or (iv) that exceeds nominal value.