Gas-to-Value Consulting | SLB

Gas-to-value consulting

Let us help you transform your excess gas into marketable products

Transform gas to valuable products SLB gas to value consulting

Turning excess gas into useful resources

Many advanced technologies now make it possible to eliminate routine flaring and venting while monetizing your excess gas. To understand the dual benefits of emissions reduction and revenue generation that these technologies can have on your business, our experts can thoroughly assess and help you gauge their true potential. We leverage our technological, digital, and end-to-end emissions management expertise to deeply evaluate the gas-to-value technologies that can turn your excess gas into alternative products that are not only more valuable to sell but also less expensive to transport. Our unique approach can also assess the possibility of transforming gas into energy, fuel, and other resources that can be used in the field.

Converting Gas to Value

Transform gas to value
Gas to value encompasses a range of marketable products (e.g., fuels, power, and specialty chemicals and products) derived from gas that would otherwise be flared or vented.

How we work with you

Part of SLB End-to-end Emissions Solutions, our gas-to-value consulting service helps you find the best options—that is, the potential marketable products and the various technologies that enable their transformation from gas that would otherwise be flared or vented. Using techno-economic analysis, we rigorously evaluate every technology that is applicable to the site where it would be deployed. We use the results to determine the optimal method to monetize the gas. A model is generated to help you identify and apply the gas-to-value conversion technologies for each unique gas source, projecting the revenue generated and emissions reduction achieved.

To help you achieve zero routine flaring, we use a customized approach for individual flares because deploying these technologies varies from site to site. The analysis empowers you to make the most informed decisions on the most effective way to achieve zero routine flaring and venting.

  • Zero routine flaring and venting
  • Methane and flare gas reduction using gas-to-value technologies that generate additional revenue streams

For oil and gas production and processing facilities, onshore and offshore; including remote fields that lack infrastructure to transport associated gas

  • Accurate assessment of process efficiencies of gas-to-value technologies through rigorous thermodynamics
  • Consistent analysis using the same methodology for each technology assessed
  • Consideration of key technical and economic factors (e.g., H2S content, labor cost, and market prices)
  • Sensitivity analysis to address uncertainties in future economic conditions
  • Additional support to install, operate, and maintain the recommended equipment