Agile Reservoir Modeling | SLB

Agile Reservoir Modeling

Transforming Subsurface

 DELFI Cognitive E&P Environment

Transforming Subsurface - Dramatically improve, automate, accelerate and simplify the subsurface modeling process, leveraging AI and cloud scalability to take more informed decisions with a better consideration of uncertainties.

Delfi Agile Reservoir Modeling is a workflow that brings together a suite of Delfi solutions to transform the way subsurface studies are conducted.

Leveraging AI and cloud scalability, Delfi Agile Reservoir Modeling enables automatic generation of multiple subsurface models, even for the most complex reservoirs, delivering rapid insights to support building Field Development plan recommendations in an operational timeframe.

Data Management Services


"Thanks to SLB’s team, Delfi, and AI/machine learning solutions, we were able to successfully produce optimized field development plans for all of our assets, both faster and with higher confidence."

Ali Al Jarwan, CEO, Dragon Oil (Holdings) Ltd

"The Delfi platform allows us to do many concurrent simulations which in turn then helps us to do forecasting under uncertainty. The most important aspect is the link of simulation to value creation and having the Delfi solution with a seamless link from simulation to economics and to decision making is dramatically improving our abilities to forecast and to create value for OMV."

Torsten Clemens, Senior Advisor Reservoir Engineering OMV