Act | SLB


Act to decarbonize and scale new energy systems

Geothermal California

Overview     |      Measure     |     Plan     |     Act     |     Resources 

Deliver on your plan and continually improve

Lower emissions and scale new energy with specialist digital solutions, integrated in an open and modular data foundation.

Employ digital to fast-track methane & flaring reduction/elimination
Leverage industry leading digital CCUS planning & operations solutions
Use digital tools to accelerate new energy project spanning hydrogen, geothermal and more

Act with innovative digital decarbonization solutions

Leverage industry-leading digital technologies to decarbonize your operations and build new value streams.

Just getting started? Find out how to begin your decarbonization in 3 steps – Measure, Plan & Act
Go to Overview
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Digital Sustainability Platform

Measure your emissions. Accurately, consistently & transparently.

Plan your best path to a more sustainable future

Act to decarbonize and scale new energy systems

A collection of featured resources for sustainability and decarbonization topics

Related Resources

  • How digital helps deliver digital CCUS projects
    How digital helps deliver CCUS projects at speed and scale for climate action

    Digital technologies play a big role across the life of a CCUS project. View

  • Identifying where to store carbon in an economic, reliable, and sustainable way

    Accelerating the development of CCUS projects demands that we begin by optimizing the first step: carbon storage site screening and ranking. View

  • methane_emissions_a_fixable_problem
    Methane emissions—a fixable problem

    Methane emissions significantly impact global warming. The good news is that they can be easy to mitigate. It’s just a matter of when. View

  • old new energy
    The old new energy: Why geothermal is our best bet for a sustainable future

    Beyond solar and wind lies geothermal: an energy source proven to be more than capable of powering our everyday lives. View