Measure | SLB


Measure your emissions. Accurately, consistently & transparently.

Digital sustainability

Overview     |      Measure     |     Plan     |     Act     |     Resources 

Rapidly understand your organizational emissions baseline

Transparently fulfil the latest, and ever-changing, regulatory reporting requirements and leverage digital technologies to extract insights from your data.

Build on existing systems, leveraging previous technology investments.
Intelligently automate data collection at scale, across the whole organization.
Convert estimates to actuals across scopes 1,2, and 3, with trusted, compliant and verifiable data.
Digital sustainability - Measure

Automated emissions measurement produces real-time insights

Measuring emissions across your entire organization and beyond can be highly complex and time consuming. With our suite of digital sustainability solutions the process is automated for you, producing live insights and detailed reports.

Once you have an emissions baseline, you need to plan the right strategy to achieve your targets.
Go to Plan
Digital sustainability
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