Digital Sustainability Resources | SLB

Digital Sustainability resources

A collection of featured resources for sustainability and decarbonization topics

Sustainability resources

Overview     |      Measure     |     Plan     |     Act     |     Resources 

Sustainability glossary
A useful guide to commonly used terms and acronyms in the sustainability and climate action space.

Featured articles

  • Making sense of ESG reporting
    Making sense of ESG reporting—an introduction to the landscape
    An introduction to the ESG reporting landscape

    Dramatically improve, automate, accelerate and simplify the subsurface modeling process, by leveraging AI and cloud scalability. View

  • Revolutionizing the energy landscape with integrated systems and collaborative hubs

    Today’s sustainability-driven shift could benefit from integrated energy systems that harness the power of energy hubs. View

  • Digital delivers CCUS at both speed and scale for climate action
    Digital delivers CCUS at speed and scale for climate action

    Digital tech can turn CCUS into a powerful component of your company's climate action strategy. View


Measure your emissions. Accurately, consistently & transparently.

  • Making sense of ESG reporting
    Making sense of ESG reporting—an introduction to the landscape
    An introduction to the ESG reporting landscape

    Dramatically improve, automate, accelerate and simplify the subsurface modeling process, by leveraging AI and cloud scalability. View

  • The energy transition means a digital revolution, not evolution

    As we approach 2050, digital tech will play a critical role in delivering oil and gas to businesses and consumers with the lowest possible carbon output. View

  • Six steps to building an emissions quantification tool

    Say you want an emissions quantification framework that is not only accurate, but transparent and traceable. Where do you start in building one? View

  • esg_reporting
    ESG reporting: Leveraging sustainability's under-utilized impact accelerator

    ESG reporting can accelerate sustainability impact in multiple ways by activating both your internal and external stakeholders. View

  • Carbon curve blue abstract image
    Getting to net zero and the role of the carbon budget curve

    The carbon budget curve is a reminder of our collective path towards carbon negativity, but how can we truly drive energy innovation beyond net zero? View


Plan your best path to a more sustainable future.

  • Putting sustainability at the heart of new product development

    Optimizing for lower emissions while designing for improved functionality, cost, and reliability is what sustainable new product development entails. View

  • Revolutionizing the energy landscape with integrated systems and collaborative hubs

    Today’s sustainability-driven shift could benefit from integrated energy systems that harness the power of energy hubs. View

  • Traditional to Renewable Systems
    Advancing traditional energy systems to renewable ones

    Digital modeling can be leveraged to plan and optimize the decarbonization of your entire energy system. View


Act to decarbonize and scale new energy systems.

Digital CCUS

  • How digital helps deliver digital CCUS projects
    How digital helps deliver CCUS projects at speed and scale for climate action

    Digital technologies play a big role across the life of a CCUS project. View

  • scaling_global_ccus
    Scaling the mountain to global CCUS and low-carbon hydrogen production

    How can heavy industries and governments possibly scale CCUS activity to the levels necessary to achieve our lofty net-zero emissions ambitions? View

  • Identifying where to store carbon in an economic, reliable, and sustainable way

    Accelerating the development of CCUS projects demands that we begin by optimizing the first step: carbon storage site screening and ranking. View

  • Success Factors CCUS
    3 reasons why emitters struggle to get their CCUS projects right

    Emission hubs can help propel CCUS projects forward, but only if the right storage and financial incentives are also involved. View

Low Carbon

  • methane_emissions_a_fixable_problem
    Methane emissions—a fixable problem

    Methane emissions significantly impact global warming. The good news is that they can be easy to mitigate. It’s just a matter of when. View

  • methane_flaring_time_to_act
    Reducing methane and flaring emissions: It’s time to act

    Methane emissions and routine flaring significantly impact global warming, but they can be easy to mitigate. View

  • old new energy
    The old new energy: Why geothermal is our best bet for a sustainable future

    Beyond solar and wind lies geothermal: an energy source proven to be more than capable of powering our everyday lives. View

  • Power grid graphic, sun, wind turbine and plug icons on gray background.
    Preparing for the renewable transformation of electric power grids

    The accelerating pace of decarbonization and electrification demands ever-increasing power capacity, reliability, and security. View

  • hydrogen horizon
    The hydrogen economy is on the horizon

    Hydrogen is a key driver of our green, cleaner future with low-carbon alternatives for transport, heat, energy storage, and chemical feedstocks. View

  • Decarbonizing steel: A light at the end of the furnace

    Many steel operators are laying the foundation to decarbonize blast furnace metal operations by dividing it into three main stages. View

  • Demystifying oil and gas electrification for today’s energy transition

    It might seem like a paradox, but electrification across operations is increasingly viable for reducing the carbon intensity of oil and gas production. View

  • piloting_low_carbon_well
    Piloting the world’s first wells using 100% low-carbon power

    What does sustainably powered drilling look like today and where is it heading? The answer lies in emissions-free hydrogen fuel cells. View

Digital sustainability

Measure your emissions. Accurately, consistently & transparently.

Plan your best path to a more sustainable future

Act to decarbonize and scale new energy systems

A collection of featured resources for sustainability and decarbonization topics