Omega software latest features
Omega EXT OCM_2023.1_29 release announcement
Omega 2023.1 release announcement
In our latest technology update, we are rolling out three seismic function modules externally, to further broaden the geophysical capabilities of the Omega™ geophysical data processing software.
A new SFM, not previously released commercially, and built to remove shear noise from the vertical velocity/acceleration measurement of multicomponent ocean-bottom seismic data.
An updated and improved module for deblending of data acquired using simultaneous sources. This update has important performance and useability improvements.
Minor fixes to improve robustness of the algorithm for this tool, which is used for sorting very large data volumes.
The VISTA IVA application for Omega geophysical data processing software is a sophisticated, interactive velocity analysis tool bringing versatility and efficiency to the velocity analysis workflow in the time-domain.
Analyze and compare seismic data using the SeisView application in Omega.
Omega Seisflow is used to build the complex workflows needed to creatively address unique geophysical challenges. Processing workflows are created interactively by selecting and inserting one of more than 500 algorithms into the Omega Seisflow canvas.
Create customized map view displays for QA/QC using the Multiple Attribute Display (MAD) application in Omega. Create displays using attribute data files, seismic data files, text, and image files. Shown: Before & after 5D interpolation.
Flatirons™ is the leading purpose-built application to generate refraction statics solutions. Omega Flatirons is the exclusive SLB version of Flatirons™ designed to streamline the workflow for superior refractions and near-surface velocity modeling for Omega geophysical data processing software. Shown: Interactive first-break picking.
Use the Omega Cluster Manager (OCM) to optimize computer resources and maximize efficiency through parallel processing.