Petrel GeoTesting | SLB

Petrel GeoTesting

Maximize the value of your well tests with optimized designs that honor the geological model and address uncertainty


The Petrel™ GeoTesting plug-in maximizes the value of well tests helping you increase certainty in reservoir models, improve production forecasting, determine reservoir connectivity, and identify sweet spots. This plug-in supports advanced interpretation and analysis of the reservoir model provided by GeoTesting geology-based well test design and interpretation services.

Account for reservoir uncertainty

Petrel GeoTesting enables geomodelers and engineers to perform geological and geophysical (G&G) design and interpretation in a shared earth model for greater certainty compared with conventional analysis limited to geometrical models.

The Petrel GeoTesting Global Sensitivity Analysis optimizes test designs by targeting the reservoir feature of interest and quantifying the information achievable by various design options. Uncertainty in the geological model is included during the matching process so that the resulting pressure matches are based on high-quality data and analysis representative of the reservoir.

Petrel GeoTesting
Updated permeability field shows interwell connectivity in a naturally fractured reservoir.

Improve accuracy in production profiling

Validate and calibrate reservoir models by using dynamic measurements with new inversion technology for well test interpretation. Rich transient information from well tests can be directly integrated into reservoir models and kept alive for more accurate reservoir characterization and production profiling.

Enhance automation during the interpretation process

Automatically update reservoir model properties and pressure derivative plots within the simulation environment by using the built-in optimizer, which enables complete automation in the matching process without the need for manual updates to the reservoir model.

The naturally fractured reservoir (NFR) pressure transient simulator provides new insight into the complex transient behavior in fractured reservoirs. This understanding of the real matrix and fracture behavior is critical for field management in carbonates and unconventional reservoirs.

  • Conventional, unconventional, and hydraulically or naturally fractured reservoirs with multiple wells and multiple layers
  • Optimizes test design to ensure successful reservoir characterization
  • Validates and calibrates reservoir models by using dynamic measurements
  • Improves accuracy in production forecasting by reducing uncertainty
A group sitting in an auditorium watching a presenter speak on a characterization model image

NExT Petrel training courses

NExT offers a comprehensive training program to support users of the SLB software, plugins, and other software products.

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Learn more about GeoTesting services for well test design and execution

Maximize the value of your well tests with optimized design, interpretation, and execution services.

Visit GeoTesting Services page