Petrel uncertainty | SLB

Petrel uncertainty

Perform sensitivity and uncertainty analysis and generate probabilistic forecasts to optimize operational constraints and improve field development


Across the breadth of hydrocarbon exploitation there is uncertainty from acquisition, analysis, application, technology, and economics, all the way to timing and resources. This array of variability presents a significant challenge in assessing the viability of recovering hydrocarbon.

The key is to quantify these unknowns into probabilistic risks related to the engineered recovery mechanisms.

Petrel™ uncertainty enables the quantification of not only geophysical and geological uncertainties but also time- and pressure-based reservoir uncertainties to provide comprehensive coverage of the quantification of the incertitude.

Perform sensitivity and uncertainty analysis and generate probabilistic forecasts to optimize operational constraints and improve field development

  • Maximizing reservoir contact by investigating different well path scenarios using uncertainty workflows in Petrel RE.
  • Investigate the impact variables can have on total production by harnessing the power of different uncertainty parameterization.
  • Access the impact of key geological and dynamic uncertainties on STOIIP, production and other measures
  • Integrate connectivity studies with petrophysical, geoscience, and engineering domains
A group sitting in an auditorium watching a presenter speak on a characterization model image

NExT Petrel training courses

NExT offers a comprehensive training program to support users of the SLB software, plugins, and other software products.

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