Pipesim simulator | SLB

Pipesim simulator

Steady-state flow assurance, from concept to operations


Modern production systems require designs that ensure safe and cost-effective transportation of fluids from the reservoir to the processing facilities. Once these systems are brought into production, the ability to ensure optimal flow is critical to maximizing economic potential. From complex individual wells to vast production networks, the Pipesim steady-state multiphase flow simulator enables production optimization over the complete lifecycle.

photo of off shore rig

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The Pipesim simulator includes advanced three-phase mechanistic models, rigorous heat transfer modeling and comprehensive PVT modeling options. The ESRI-supported GIS map canvas helps deliver true spatial representation of wells, equipment and networks. Networks can be built either on the GIS canvas or automatically using a GIS shapefile. Rapid well model building and analysis are done with an interactive graphical wellbore. The implementation of a new parallel network solver, which spreads the computational load across all processors results in a faster simulation runtime.

Pipesim 2025 new features

Pipesim 2025.1 Software Release
Pipesim new features

Flow assurance webinar series

Learn about capabilities and best practice use of SLB flow assurance simulators

The webinar series targets users of the Olga dynamic multiphase flow simulator and the Pipesim steady-state multiphase flow simulator and associated consumers of the simulation results with the intent to share knowledge of the capabilities and best practice use of these powerful and versatile simulators.

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Pipesim Steady-State Multiphase Flow Simulator
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​Pipesim access and versatility

Ensures fluid flow to maintain production—from pore to process

The foundation for steady-state multiphase flow analysis

Advanced network simulation to analyze and optimize complex production and injection networks

Optimize well performance through comprehensive modeling of completions and artificial lift systems

Single-line multiphase flow model add-on to process simulators
