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Studio 2024

Petrel 2024.1 and Studio 2024.1 now available

Commitment to technology and quality is one of SLB’s guiding principles. In line with this, our Petrel 2024.1 and Studio 2024.1 updates deliver the latest in domain workflows, functionality, and productivity.


Previous releases

Petrel 2023 and Studio 2023 release announcement

Petrel and Studio 2022 release announcement

Improved collaboration with increased data footprint

Triangular mesh, non-editable triangular mesh, and corridor cross-section objects are now fully supported by the Studio software allowing the data to be transferred between the database and project in the Petrel software project improving collaboration workflows within teams. CRS and unit conversion are handled as standard by the transfer between repository and the Petrel software project.

Data managers can find the new records stored under the “shape” category in the Studio Manager data table, where existing tools allow the data to be managed as usual.

Studio2020 increased data footprint
Brief video on Studio 2020's increased data footprint

Smart logic to consolidate and merge data

The global data app within Studio Manager now supports the merging of point well data. Data managers can consolidate point well data without needing to launch the Petrel E&P subsurface software and manually combine the data.

Multiple point well datasets can be merged into a single target dataset in a single operation. The merge uses smart logic for user-defined attributes to prevent proliferation of duplicates, whereby the target set of user-defined attributes are always kept and will be updated from matching attributes in the source datasets.

The new functionality saves data managers considerable time when consolidating this data. The previous workflow required the data to be transferred into the Petrel software, merged manually, deleted in the repository, and transferred from the Petrel software back to the Studio E&P knowledge software.

Smart logic to consolidate and merge data

In this section

  • Studio
    Multiuser knowledge collaboration

    Multiuser knowledge collaboration and sharing to improve multidisciplinary productivity. View

  • Studio environment for data managers
    Studio software for data managers
    Administer the Studio E&P knowledge software

    Administer data across multiple stores and knowledge created by Petrel users. View

  • Studio environment for Petrel users
    Studio software for Petrel users
    Enhanced levels of productivity for the Petrel subsurface software

    Enhanced levels of productivity for the Petrel subsurface software. View

  • Studio environment for Techlog users
    Studio software for Techlog users
    Multiuser collaboration for the Techlog wellbore software

    Multiuser collaboration for the Techlog wellbore software. View