Symmetry pipe | SLB

Symmetry pipe

Integrated approach to optimize production


Symmetry Pipe relies on state-of-the-art thermodynamics that enable you to apply the same fluid characterization, physical properties, and phase equilibria throughout the gathering system, processing, refining, final products, and by-products. This provides a more consistent model and includes the ability to track all the components from end-to-end.

Symmetry Pipe

Integrated approach to optimize production

From a simple straight pipeline to a highly complex network, you can run integrated analyses in steady-state or transient mode. Use steady state for cases such as network debottlenecking. Transient conditions can be used to analyze flow assurance conditions, such as liquid loading, pigging scheduling, and slugging.

Ensure pipeline reliability

Pipeline reliability depends on continuous flow from wells to processing units, at a flow throughput rate that’s as close to the design rate as possible. Symmetry Pipe provides dynamic and steady-state analysis to help you

  • optimize design using thermohydraulics
  • assess multiphase production fluids through pipelines
  • predict, prevent, and remediate flow stoppages, such as slugging, wax, and hydrates.

Consistent property package across the integrated system

Symmetry process simulation software has a consistent property package and fluid characterization that can be used throughout the simulator with both steady-state and dynamic engines.

Fluid characterization suitable for different operations

The platform contains a variety of fluid characterization methods for systems, ranging from heavy oil to liquids produced with gas. Simulations can use a consistent slate of components, regardless of the number of different fluids when using n-paraffin, isoparaffin, olefin, naphthene, and aromatic (PIONA) -based characterizations. These types of fluids track the molecular structure of the different sources, enabling you to consistently estimate property when material is blended.

The streamlined workflow in the Pipe workspace enables engineers to build models for any stage of the asset life cycle, from field development to asset production operations optimization.

The Symmetry platform has consistent thermodynamics and fluid characterization methods that are used in both steady-state and dynamic engines from the field, pipe network, processing plants, and flare systems.

The Pipe workspace is equipped with industry-standard flow models including generalized multiphase mechanistic models like Petalas and Oliemans, superior mechanistic models such as OLGAS 2 and 3 phase interface, as well as the traditional empirical methods.

A group sitting in an auditorium watching a presenter speak on a characterization model image

NExT Symmetry training courses

NExT offers a comprehensive training program to support users of the SLB software, plugins, and other software products.

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