VISTA desktop seismic data processing software | SLB

VISTA desktop seismic data processing software

Comprehensive seismic processing and QC software for data acquired on land, offshore, or vertical seismic profile

Vista desktop seismic data processing software

VISTA desktop seismic data processing software provides data processing from early-stage acquisition QC to final processing and interpretation of 2D and 3D seismic data acquired on land or offshore or as a vertical seismic profile (VSP), in all industry and manufacturer data formats.

With VISTA software, you can easily navigate workflows and seamlessly evaluate datasets using the interactive and interlinked displays. You can also add in your own algorithms through a C++ or MATLAB SDK interface.

The software supports advanced processing capabilities including AVO and angle of incidence (AVA) analysis, multicomponent processing, and 2D and 3D VSP processing.

VISTA software is available in four packages:


  • The premier tool for in-field processing and QC.

VISTA Field Pro

  • Advanced field package, including full-geometry QC and poststack migration.

VISTA Full Pro

  • The complete solution, from QC to prestack migration and time-depth image analysis.

VISTA 2D or 3D VSP Pro

  • Complete VSP QC and processing for 2D and 3D VSP data.
  • 2D VSP available as a stand-alone or add-in module to VISTA Field QC, VISTA Field Pro, or VISTA Full Pro.
  • 3D VSP module available as an add-on module to VISTA Full Pro.
  • Windows-based, single-user, portable, robust, and easy-to-learn icon-driven software.
  • Interactive windows that broadcast between multiple screens for powerful QC functions.
  • Interactive tools for station geometry prediction, verification, and QC.
  • Programming development interface for users to add their own algorithms.
  • Comprehensive header manipulation, interactive spreadsheets, and text file imports and exports.
  • Surface-consistent scale, deconvolution, and statics.
  • Advanced noise attenuation and signal enhancement techniques.

Data formats

  • Multicomponent and converted-wave QC and processing.
  • Montage window for creating sophisticated output plots.
  • True amplitude processing sequence.
  • AVO and amplitude variation with AVA processing capabilities.
  • Interactive 2D multiline tie and 3D multisurvey merge.
  • Prestack and poststack time-depth migration and analysis.

VISTA software is a 64-bit Microsoft Windows application with annual software releases and regular product updates. It is offered with numerous user resources including tutorials, movies, common workflows, knowledge base articles, and new feature documents.

VISTA 2024 highlights

VISTA 2024 release announcement

Processing 2D and 3D datasets


A hands-on training session covering a range of topics including importing, manipulating, conducting QC, and applying flow commands to process 2D and 3D datasets using Vista software.

Who should attend

Geologists and geophysicists involved in 2D or 3D operations, including interpretive geophysicists, seismic processors, field QC personnel, university students, and independent contractors.

Schedule for upcoming online training for Geosolutions Software
