Insights Article Digital delivers CCUS at speed and scale for climate action
Digital tech can turn CCUS into a powerful component of your company's climate action strategy.
Leverage digital to scale CCUS around the world
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and International Energy Agency (IEA) agree that net zero will be virtually impossible to achieve without CCUS technology. Digital is critical for planning and operating these systems. Optimized digital twins enable cost-effective and rapid scale up, ensuring both safety and performance over the life of these projects.
Meet emissions reporting requirements, decarbonize, and scale new energy systems.
Countries around the world are looking for new paths to dependable and renewable energy solutions.
Prioritize and strategically position your next CCUS project to help deliver on your decarbonization targets.
Gain deeper understanding of your CO2 capture and transport system, as part of an integrated system.
Deliver low-cost, long-term, and reliable CO2 storage.
Design and execute a cost-effective monitoring strategy, tailored to your project.