PowerJet Nova Extradeep Penetrating Shaped Charges | SLB

Extradeep penetrating shaped charge

Optimize penetration and formation contact with PowerJet Nova extradeep penetrating shaped charges

Reliable Perforating Systems for Fracture-Stimulated Wells

Higher shaped charge performance in a broad range of formations

The penetration-optimized design of PowerJet Nova™ extradeep penetrating shaped charges is the result of laboratory research involving hundreds of shaped charge test shots into a broad range of stressed rocks, including extreme values of rock strength. In addition to increasing penetration over previous-generation deep penetrating shaped charges, PowerJet Nova charges deliver up to 50% more formation contact—for more effective stimulation treatments, increased drainage contact, and, ultimately, greater productivity.

  • Production wells
  • Injection wells
  • Damaged formations
  • Formations requiring reservoir stimulation
  • Stressed rocks
  • All phases (oil, water, gas)

Increased penetration, formation contact, and drainage contact

PowerJet Nova extradeep penetrating shaped charges are designed and produced at the SLB Productivity Enhancement Research Facility (PERF). By extensively integrating best practices, innovative industrial science, and automated systems, the facility minimizes quality variation to elevate shaped charge performance to new levels of reliability and effectiveness.

API RP 19B Section 1 performance data and additional stressed-rock testing document the improved efficiency of the charges’ explosive energy transfer to the perforating jet. Extensive ongoing research is incorporated in the SPAN Rock™ stressed-rock perforating analysis for accurately predicting perforator performance downhole in reservoir rock.

  • Maintains deep penetration at high shot density
  • Intersects more natural fractures
  • Compatible with PURE™ clean perforations system for clean perforations
  • Compatible with current wireline and TCP gun systems
  • Conveyable on wireline, slickline, TCP, coiled tubing, tractor, or permanent completions