Fluid Inclusion Petrography and Microthermometry | SLB

Fluid Inclusion Petrography and Microthermometry

Obtain origin and history of hydrocarbons from a thin section of rock material

Fluid Inclusion Petrography and Microthermometry

Our fluid inclusion petrography services deliver thick polished slides for evaluation of fluid inclusion populations, abundance, characteristics, fluorescence colors, kerogen, and bitumen.

We also offer microthermometry, which quantitatively determines API gravity, fluid trapping temperatures, hydrocarbon saturation state, hydrocarbon phase, and salinity.

Fluid Inclusion Petrography and Microthermometry


  • Timing of fluid implacement
  • Multiple hydrocarbon pulses
  • Qualitative API gravity estimation
  • Fluid contacts
  • Petroleum type and quality
  • Paleocharge
  • Kerogen abundance and type
  • Hydrocarbon staining and bitumen presence


  • Quantitative API gravity
  • Temperature of oil implacement or cementation
  • Reservoir salinity
  • Petroleum type and quality
  • Petroleum saturation
  • Presence of gas cap
  • Maximum burial temperature
  • Thermal maturity