Rock Laboratory - Reservoir Characterization | SLB

Geomechanics Laboratory Services

Quantitatively assess reservoir properties that affect drilling and production performance

Core samples to be analyzed as part of the geomechanics lab services.

Optimize stimulation treatments, drilling performance, and production potential

Our geomechanics laboratory services lay the foundation for a complete understanding of the most effective stimulation treatments and the production potential of conventional and unconventional reservoirs.

Reservoir laboratory services

  • Single- or multistage triaxial compression testing for determining the anisotropic shear strength envelope
  • Uniaxial strain testing
  • Brazilian or direct-pull testing for determining anisotropic tensile strength
  • Thick-walled cylinder testing; hollow cylinder testing for determining sanding potential
  • Brinell hardness testing for fluid sensitivity
  • Continuous strength measurements along the core length to assess heterogeneity (scratch testing)
  • Indentation testing
  • Thermal conductivity, specific heat, and thermal expansion testing
Schlumberger worker in the lab performing core analysis as part of the geomechanics services.

Quantitatively assess reservoir properties that affect drilling and production performance

Schlumberger worker in the lab performing core analysis as part of the geomechanics services.

Tests reveal a variety of geomechanical properties, including

  • unconfined compressive strength
  • tensile strength
  • compressibility
  • fracture toughness
  • thermal properties
  • complete shear failure envelope, including compactant cap and static and dynamic elastic moduli.