Barents Sea Ice Bear 1 | SLB

Barents Sea Ice Bear 1

2,400 km2 of 3D seismic data

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The survey area is on the west flank of the Loppa High and extends into the Bjørnøya Basin to the west. Ice Bear 1 covers the northern extension of the faulted Jurassic terraces—which are similar in character to those of the Skrugard and Havis discoveries—and includes a large Jurassic horst structure. The Cretaceous deposits farther west show submarine fans, clinoforms, and a collapsed anticline structure with incised buried river channels.
Map of Barents Sea 3D Bjørnøya Ice Bear 1 survey.
The Barents Sea 3D Ice Bear 2,400 km2 survey extends the West Loppa dataset to the north and west.
Photo: Mature North Sea assets presented long-term well integrity challenges and operational inefficiencies that were successfully mitigated through engineering expertise and close collaboration between Cameron and the operator.

Geologic highlights

Complex terraces mark the rim of the Bjørnøya basin to the west and the Loppa High to the east; these are downthrown toward the basin center. Two dominant fault systems of Bjornoya fault complex control the structural framework and consequent deposition.

Eastern terraces slumping downward from the Loppa High are characterized by Triassic sediments progressively overlain to the west by a Jurassic section on downthrown terraces.

Westward, basin deposits consist of a thick Cretaceous section with clear evidence of stacked submarine fan systems within a thick marine shale section overlain by a Tertiary deltaic sequence that progrades from the northwest.

Both the Cretaceous and Tertiary plays are potential, as well as the prospective Jurassic and Triassic tilted fault blocks that are similar to the recently discovered Skrugard and Havis structures farther south.

Key highlights

  • Data was acquired using ten 7-km streamers and a 5,085-in3 airgun array
  • The data processing sequence was designed specifically to remove multiples and attenuate noise
  • Two well-tie lines are also available