Simultaneous Joint Inversion - Characterization | SLB

Simultaneous Joint Inversion

Integrate independent geophysical measurements into one consistent, comprehensive model

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As exploration for hydrocarbon resources moves to increasingly complex geological environments, the integration of multiple physical measurements is needed to build improved earth models. Nonseismic methods are helping reduce exploration risks and improve development decisions by providing additional information for building a more accurate earth model.

Integrate datasets

The simultaneous joint inversion (SJI) of multiple geophysical datasets (e.g., seismic and gravity, and seismic and magnetotellurics) is a new technology that allows integration of different geophysical datasets at the inversion level. SJI collects seismic and nonseismic information into a single-objective function to be inverted.

Advantages of the SJI approach include

  • reduced uncertainty in the interpretation result through integrating independent geophysical measurements into a consistent earth-property model
  • mitigated weaknesses of each single domain dataset through the strengths of the other dataset(s).
Actual workflow from the Walker Ridge, Gulf of Mexico MT+seismic SJI project.
Actual workflow from the Walker Ridge, Gulf of Mexico MT and seismic SJI project.
Benchmark RTM data. Post SJI RTM data.

Improve imaging capabilities

SJI is particularly useful in subsalt, subbasalt, and subthrust areas, where seismic imaging faces serious problems because deep illumination can be limited. In those cases, SJI used in the framework of a depth imaging workflow provides extended capabilities for resolving complex velocity fields in conditions of poor signal-to-noise ratio.

The slider image shows a comparison between benchmark reverse time migration (RTM) and post-SJI RTM data. The red circle outlines a particular area of improvement.

SJI examples

We offer 3D SJI of the following combinations of geophysical measurements (with the corresponding main applications):

  • Reflection seismic and MT: subsalt, subbasalt, carbonates
  • Reflection seismic and gravity or full-tensor gravity (FTG): overthrusts, subsalt, subbasalt
  • Reflection seismic and refraction: depth imaging
  • Refraction seismic and surface waves: complex near-surface modeling
  • Refraction seismic and gravity or FTG: near-surface characterization.