Earth Model Building Services
Unified earth models with greater confidence and efficiency
Improve geophysical processing and interpretation for high-resolution images placed correctly in depth.
Assess and circumvent earth model uncertainty
The uncertainties inherent in earth and structural models can negatively impact all phases of well planning and reserves estimation. When used as part of the risk analysis and decision-making process, our analysis provides a quantitative assessment and improved insight into the feasibility of your prospect.
Critical decisions about drilling hazards, well placement, and prospect appraisal are typically based on the interpretation of seismic images produced with an earth model. However, even when using modern workflows, evaluating the properties of the earth from seismic data is inherently non-unique. As a result, the uncertainty is poorly understood and lacks quantification. Our analysis enables you to quantify the seismic uncertainty in a mature earth model. It also enables upfront risk quantification by using statistics to determine the likelihood of a desired outcome.
Quantitative analysis of seismic uncertainty generates perturbations in the Vp, delta, and epsilon fields around the tomographic solution, typically producing 500 equiprobable models that all satisfy the data. Deliverables from these models provide deeper insight into the risks and structural variability associated with a prospect.