Openhole Logging - Wireline Formation Evaluation | SLB

Wireline openhole logging

Advance your understanding to optimize reservoir performance

Your reservoir, in full geologic detail

The ground truth for high-resolution information to address reservoir complexity and to guide and constrain modeling is conventional whole core. But, it’s obviously not practical to core and analyze the entire drilled well. Nor is the resolution and confidence of what can be interpreted from seismic data alone sufficient.

The industry’s recognized approach for efficiently acquiring representative information is wireline openhole logging, deploying sensors to measure all aspects of the reservoir in situ and in real time.

Get the answers you need for informed decision making and risk reduction from precise and accurate downhole logging measurements, delivered workflow-ready for interpretation and refining your reservoir model.


High-definition NMR service

Multifrequency dielectric dispersion service

High-definition spectroscopy service

Expert magnetic resonance service

Triaxial induction service

multifunction spectroscopy service

Through-the-bit logging services


Fullbore formation microimager

High-definition formation microimager

Oil-based microimaging

Photorealistic reservoir geology service

Acoustic imaging

Through-the-bit logging services


Quality downhole sonic measurements

Through-the-bit logging services

acoustic scanning platform

Building a real-time and precise representation of your mechanical earth model

Automated subsurface feature extraction


Crosswell seismic imaging service

Fiber-optic solutions

Fiber-optic borehole seismic solution

Real-time induced seismicity monitoring service

MaxPULL high-pull wireline conveyance system

Wireline Conveyance

Integrated wireline and slickline systems for reliable, efficient conveyance.

Learn more