How it works
The miniaturized InSitu Density sensor fits the sensor slots of the InSitu Fluid Analyzer real-time DFA system to provide density measurements in a range of 0.5 to 1.2 g/cm3 and viscosity measurements in a range of 0.2 to 50 cP.
The sensor’s dual-resonance modes enable measurement at a 1-s frequency. The resonance frequency is related to the density of the flowing fluid, and the resonance damping is related to the viscosity. The characterization parameters incorporated in the sensor’s integrated electronics enable assessing measurement quality in real time to ensure that the response spectrum is within specification.
The viscosity measurement is for miscible systems (oil sampling in oil-based mud). In higher-viscosity fluids or reservoir fluids with up to 10% water, the InSitu Viscosity reservoir fluid viscosity sensor is used with the InSitu Fluid Analyzer system, with the required density input for the viscosity measurement provided by the InSitu Density sensor.