Case Study Record-Breaking 9,508-m ERD Well Drilled in South China Sea
CNOOC successfully drills a 9,508-m ERD well in the South China Sea with zero stuck pipe events and full casing.
Reach and stay in the productive zone faster and more efficiently
SLB provides the expert directional drilling services needed for high-quality wellbores that stay in the “sweet spot”—your optimal production zone. Our proven trajectory control technologies provide precise directional control using our LWD and MWD services that deliver high-quality data, enabling time-critical decisions for accurate drilling of extended-reach horizontal and complex directional wells.
We have unmatched capabilities that integrate well construction digitization and technologies such as at-bit steerable systems and definitive dynamic surveying. We invented the rotary steerable system, and we now lead the industry with groundbreaking autonomous directional drilling. Additionally, we closely collaborate with directional drillers and directional-drilling contractors using real-time analysis solutions to monitor downhole conditions, manage BHA dynamics, improve casing-point selection, and reduce drilling risks—all enhancing drilling optimization.
Our advanced BHA instruments can measure the path of the wellbore in three-dimensional space and map volumetric data on a reservoir scale; see up to 100 ft ahead of our innovative drill bits; make geosteering adjustments autonomously; and provide data links to communicate these downhole measurements to the surface. And it all enables the directional driller to optimize the wellbore path with pinpoint accuracy no matter the reservoir, no matter how complex the well, no matter how long the lateral. Read this case study demonstrating how SLB’s directional drilling capabilities extend your reach for better well economics.
Raul Suarez is our directional drilling expert. Learn how our capabilities, technologies, and systems can help you drill to TD in less time while staying in your optimal production zone.
Contact RaulEnhanced Technologies for Improved Well Economics with Repeatability, Reliability, and Reduced Carbon.
Leveraging autonomy to build wells with efficiency and consistency, regardless of the rig, field, or trajectory.
Leveraging advanced inversions in connected workflows.
Integrated steering and cutting structure technology for unprecedented DLS capability, durability, and ROP.
NeoSteer at-bit steerable systems eliminate BHA reconfigurations between curve and lateral sections.
Drill both the curve and lateral sections in a faster single run with the NeoSteer CL system.
The NeoSteer CLx system enables operators to drill extreme high-dogleg curves and laterals.
RSS offerings for maximum directional control.
Achieve precise wellbore positioning on any rig type worldwide.
Leverage increased abrasion resistance, higher DLS for tighter curves, and better directional control while lowering emissions.
Maintain tight directional control through the magnetic zone of exclusion and monitor stick/slip, shock, and vibration.
This high-powered system is the only fully rotating RSS that delivers higher ROP with more power, improved downhole reaction, and tighter directional control.
Drill complex curves and trajectories and sidetrack without making an extra trip.
Improve performance in ultraHT wells with a fully rotating RSS that operates normally at 200 degC [392 degF].
Actively and automatically maintain verticality from surface to TD through automatic inclination control.
Real-time analysis solutions.
Accelerate surface and downhole interactions to ensure a more sustainable well construction operation.
Monitor and analyze processes and downhole conditions in real time.
Manage downhole conditions and BHA dynamics while drilling using actionable, integrated data displayed on a rigsite dashboard.
Improving BHA tool reliability while enabling PDC cutters to stay sharp for faster, longer drilling.
High-frequency torsional dampening flex sub designed to improve efficiency without impacting BHA design.
Reduce impact loads produced during milling and drilling operations, increase ROP, and extend equipment life.
Casing-drilling and liner-drilling technology
Motors that enhance torque output and directional control.
Reliability and strength from power sections to thru-tubing and bearings.
DynaForce high-performance drilling motors outperform conventional motors in high-volume drilling and harsh environments.
Meet the demanding criteria of directional drilling and other applications with innovative motor technology.
Neyrfor turbodrilling systems that increase rpm.
Turn up your drilling power in geothermal, abrasive, and hard rock formations with Neyrfor Turbodrilling Systems.
Efficiently convert hydraulic energy into mechanical energy for improved ROP and efficiency.