Autonomous Geosteering | SLB

Autonomous Geosteering

Achieve optimal reservoir placement and increased production


  • Onshore and offshore horizontal well construction in conventional and unconventional formations


  • Delivers hands-free geosteering—an industry first
  • Shortens decision time to minutes 
  • Improves precision of wellbore placement, leading to better resource extraction 
  • Creates collaborative workspace for better cross-domain synergy and time savings
  • Enhances safety by minimizing human intervention


  • Fully autonomous geosteering by combining cloud, edge, and AI
  • Real-time boundary extrapolation and inversions
  • Advanced algorithms and machine learning to analyze vast amounts of data
  • Subsurface interpretation enabled by machine learning
  • Adaptive control for optimal trajectory guidance
  • Seamless integration with existing drilling technologies
  • Multidomain workflow integration

Geosteering is complex, requiring skilled personnel and advanced software to process and interpret data, often resulting in decisions taking up to an hour. Dependency on human processing and interpretation impacts well construction performance, and often causes the customer to slow down until a decision is made. These delays can occur multiple times during drilling. Neuro™ autonomous geosteering addresses these challenges by revolutionizing the current approach to well construction while ensuring consistent, repeatable net pay and ultimately achieving maximum reservoir extraction per footage drilled.

How it improves performance

Neuro autonomous geosteering improves field development and reservoir management by ensuring consistent net pay and maximizing production. It optimizes well placement, removing human limitations associated with the complexities of prioritizing dependencies to deliver the best well placement. Neuro autonomous geosteering integrates data for consistent and repeatable geosteering performance. Key enablers include:

  • Subsurface Advisor maximizes reservoir insights by integrating and interpreting data
  • Directional Drilling Advisor ensures optimal trajectory drilling
  • Downhole and Surface Automation reduces decision times to seconds with automated drilling

Additionally, it enhances our PeriScope™ bed boundary mapping service and GeoSphere™ reservoir mapping-while-drilling service families.
