CemFIT Heal System for achieving zonal isolation | SLB

CemFIT Heal

Flexible self-healing cement system

CemFIT Heal flexible self-healing cement system.

CemFIT Heal™ flexible self-healing cement system helps ensure well integrity from drilling to abandonment, providing an annular pressure seal and protecting against hydrocarbon leaks and sustained casing pressure at the wellhead. This versatile product is the only cement system in the industry that has the mechanical properties to withstand wellbore stresses and repairs itself on contact with oil or gas irrespective of methane content if isolation defects appear due to unforeseen circumstances.

Unlike conventional cement systems, CemFIT Heal system exhibits low Young's modulus that enables the set cement to withstand stresses (due to drilling, perforating, injection, hydraulic fracturing, underground gas storage, and changes in temperature, pressure, or both) and maintain the cement sheath integrity. On top of this inherent property, an expanding feature can be added to the CemFIT Heal system design to improve cement bonding and microannuli sealing to minimize the risk of unwanted gas migration.

The cement job is simple to design, with one standardized concentration of the self-sealing additives for an oil environment and another for gas. Blend, solid volume fraction (SVF), and slurry properties can be easily adjusted for optimal results to accommodate changes to cement designs and job programs. The CemFIT Heal system reduces emissions due to lower embodied carbon and by eliminating hydrocarbon leaks.

Wells with potential risk of

  • Hydrocarbon migration
  • SCP
  • Postplacement pressure and temperature variations (e.g., because of injection, hydraulic fracturing, or underground gas storage)
  • Oil and gas wells in environmentally sensitive areas
  • Primary cementing, plug and abandonment cementing, or both
  • Improves long-term well integrity by resisting set-cement-sheath failure
  • Reduces risk of
    • Annular pressure buildup
    • Mechanical well damage
    • Collapsed casing
    • Cement tensile cracks
    • Cement debonding
    • Costly remedial cementing jobs and lost production
  • Extends production life of the well by autorepairing cement cracks and microannuli that cause hydrocarbon leaks
  • Minimizes or eliminates the need to monitor wells after decommissioning
  • Eliminates hydrocarbon leaks
  • Lowers embodied carbon by lessening dependency on cement
CemFIT Heal flexible self-healing cement system.
In the event of a hydrocarbon leak caused by cement-sheath failure, crack, or microannulus, the set cement responds on contact with hydrocarbons and autorepairing the pathways, restoring the hydraulic integrity of the well.
  • Low Young’s modulus for greater flexibility
  • Ability to autorepair on contact with hydrocarbons, even in dry gas
  • Standard designs for a wide range of densities and temperatures
  • Suitable for both batch mixing and mixing on the fly, using conventional equipment


CemFIT Heal System Specifications
Density range 11–16.2 lbm/galUS
[1,320–1,940 kg/m3
Temperature range 70–350 degF
[21–177 degC]
Hydrocarbon activation Oil
Any type of gas, even dry gas

All specifications are subject to change without notice.

CemFIT Heal
Flexible self-healing cement system