Product Sheet CPF-577 Double-Pump Cement Trailer
High-pressure pumping up to 760 hhp with EPA Nonroad Tier 3 and Euro Nonroad Stage IIIA compliance.
Simplify operations with rugged, low-maintenance technology
Schlumberger land cementing units are deployable in harsh environments for year-round operations and require minimal road permit requirements. Small crews easily operate the low-maintenance equipment while saving time during rig-up, operation, rig-down, and cleanup.
The CPF-179 single-pump cement truck is designed to handle most land cementing operations and complies with Canada’s stringent frost laws, making it suitable for year-round operation in cold environments, even during spring thaw.
CPF-377 and CPF-577 double-pump cement trailers provide high-pressure pumping services up to 760 hhp. The advanced cement control system provides superior density control and enables accurate mixing of slurries down to 5 ppg via solids fraction monitoring and control. The trailers can carry their own supply of treating iron, making them completely self sufficient on all land locations.