D111 Liquid thixotropic agent | SLB


Liquid thixotropic agent

Lost Circulation

D111 is a liquid thixotropic additive that helps manage lost circulation during cementing from offshore platforms or any other location where the handling of solid additives is impractical.

Because it can be easily used with any portland cement, D111 improves performance and reliability as compared with conventional thixotropic additives that perform poorly in cements that have C3A content of less than 5%.

Another advantage of using D111 is that it delivers higher early and ultimate compressive strengths as compared with those attained using conventional thixotropic additives based on gypsum. Reduced gelation time and increased gel strength can be achieved by adjusting the D111 concentration.

D111 additive improves compressive strength development in an RFC cement, as compared with a conventional gypsum-based additive.
D111 additive improves compressive strength development in an RFC cement, as compared with a conventional gypsum-based additive.


  • Lost circulation cementing
  • Temperatures up to 185 degF [85 degC]
  • Offshore and land wells
  • RFC* regulated fill-up cement operations


  • Manages circulation losses in cavernous or vuggy formations where bridging materials are ineffective
  • Minimizes the risk of premature setting of cement in case of pumping interruption by imparting thixotropic properties
  • Increases early and ultimate compressive strength as compared with conventional gypsum-based thixotropic additives
  • Simplifies cement design and delivery because performance does not depend on the base cement C3A content


  • Usability with any portland cement
  • Superior thixotropic properties
  • Reduced gel formation time
  • Uniform gel strength