Rig-enabled cementing service improves well construction | SLB

Rig-enabled cementing service

Improved efficiency through rig integration

Rig-enabled cementing service.

The rig-enabled cementing service mixes and transfers cementing slurry to the rig pumps using a powerful electric cementing mixing skid. This unit is installed at the rig site, which moves with the rig as needed. The cementing slurry is mixed onsite, along with chemical additives, and is delivered to the rig pumps for pumping downhole. Integrating the cementing delivery equipment and rig system simplifies maintenance, streamlines job execution, and reduces the logistics involved in the well construction process.

  • Increases efficiency by using a mixing skid fitted into the rig system and available through the entire well construction process
  • Reduces or removes related rig downtime, logistics delay, and frequent rig-up and rig-down activities
  • Mitigates operational HSE risk by removing the high-pressure system and reducing red zone footage, lifting and tripping risks, and miles driven
  • Improves reliability and simplifies logistics (mixing skid designed to be tail-boarded on and off a trailer and movable by forklift)
  • Reduces carbon emissions from the elimination of transportation and engine idling by approximately 100–metric tons CO2e per unit per year, compared with a conventional cementing unit
  • Enhanced mixing capabilities
    • SLURRY CHIEF™ Mark III cement mixer
    • Three centrifugal pumps for makeup, mix, and pressurizing
    • Mixing and averaging tub for optimizing geometry, enabled by embedded slurry and air separator technology

  • Adjustable liquid additive system
  • Nonradioactive densitometers and flowmeters
  • Automated density control and computerized acquisition system
  • Generator interface box to power up mixing skid from the rig’s generator
Rig-enabled cementing service.
The rig-enabled cementing service mixes and transfers cementing slurry to the rig pumps using a powerful electric cementing mixing skid. The service reduces carbon emissions by approximately 100–metric tons CO2e per unit per year compared with a conventional cementing unit.